Wednesday, December 28, 2005

First Post

So, though I post on the SYBS blog page ( I decided to start my own blog spot as well.... for the most part my posts on hopefc have something to do with homegroup and church things, and I was wanting to do something where I can just randomly post thoughts or feelings unrelated to Hope. I guess what that means if you are reading is that you will probably sift through posts about running a business, painting and construction, marriage and family, music, thoughts from the Word, and anything ministry related. Hopefully also as things get closer to church planting I can put out some useful info for the team.

My other hope with starting a blog is that I will use my internet time creatively rather than consumeristically (if that's a word). I find that I can often waste a good 20 or 30 minutes surfing news sights, or pitchfork or other music sights, when I really could be doing something else that exercises my mind and is an outlet for thoughts and the like...

With that said, I'm excited about my blog.


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