Friday, December 30, 2005

Skeek '06

We leave sunday night for the ski conference, which I'm pretty pumped about. I'm looking forward to a lot of time with Lord, some beautiful scenery and fun on the slopes, and being with my family and friends worshipping and fellowshipping. I'm teaching one of the seminars, on church planting... it's difficult to do, because I wasn't too sure what to talk about, but here's the preliminary notes:

Observations on church planting: (outside of the basics)

1. The importance of gifting in the body
- a tendency with church planting to emphasize apostolic gifting and cause orientation... must be avoided for the body to function properly

2. Expectiations can kill a plant
- you must do a good job managing the individual team members expectations

3. You have to look out for the health of the team
- easy tendency to push for growth and outreach, but people have to stay fresh in their relationship with the Lord and each other to see a succesful plant

Part 2: Qualities of a church planter

- can lead someone to the Lord
- can effectively disciple and train a young believer
- can start something from scratch (bible study, small group)

- handles obstacles and setbacks with joy
- works well with other people
- accepts direction and is very teachable
- doesn't complain and grumble

- prays often publicly and privately
- shares the word openly with believers and unbelievers

anyway, it's a rough outline, but I'm fleshing it out...


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