Saturday, November 04, 2006

mission work

There is a total absence in the New Testament of appeals for volunteers for the mission field. The most an individual can do is express his willingness, others must determine his worthiness.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought only God determined our worthiness, not others. Even Paul wasn't deemed worthy to the apostles. God used Barnabus to bring him in among the believers and into ministry and his mission field.

Actually, none of us, in and of ourselves, are worthy so does God even "determine" this or is it just fact? I would agree Scripture shows that God waits for our willingness before he opens our eyes to the specific mission and field we are either already in or are to go to within the context of the larger picture.

Maybe that's why there is a lack of appeal for volunteers in the NT. We are all in the mission field. Like the battlefield of war - as a soldier you wear one uniform or the other. You can choose to fight or not, but you're in the battle regardless. Our willingness just determines our effectiveness and the clarity of our mission.

I don't know... it's late, so please take my input as just the outpouring of processing thoughts, not a firm stance for or against any posted statement.


10:55 PM  

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