Tuesday, July 18, 2006

What's up world?

Here's the haps in the Rogers fam, short version in random order of thought:

Work is extremely busy
Brynn and Merit doing well, Debi busy
Matt still in town, helping out with business
Convention last weekend, I got a new pair of shoes
New (to me) Jeep
Haven't spent enough time with other saints lately, miss it
Haven't played guitar in way too long....
People still bringing us meals, which is extra awesome
Going to play golf with Brandon and the guys Friday night, working Saturday...
Mom's birthday Sunday, we are celebrating tomorrow

By family member:
Merit: talking a lot, said "sure enough" yesterday, just like Debi does
Brynn: sleeping well, looking very cute, we think she'll have blue eyes
Erin: introspective
Debi: focussed and on top of things
Josiah: tired, stressed, but encouraged


Blogger Tylers.Net said...

Can't wait for golf on Friday! Midnight golf awww yea!

9:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

did you say new jeep?!

10:33 AM  

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