Monday, January 09, 2006

Faith and the Holy Spirit

David and I had a discussion at Skeek about his teaching on the leading of the Spirit, and how to tell if the Spirit is leading one direction or another in decisions we make. The main point being that you could easily fall into the idea that you make a decision, and then if it's not "blessed" (ie. doesn't work out the way you thought it would, or even makes things worse), that it wasn't led by the Lord or guided by the Spirit, and you made the wrong decision.

The key though with decisions is faith. Faith says that even when things aren't going well when you've made a decision, or with your life in general, that God is still involved and leading. One of the verses in Heb 11 talking about faith says, "Others were tortured and refused to be released, so that they might gain a better resurrection."... going on to talk about all the other horrible things endured by men and women of faith. The point is that decisions have to be made in faith regardless of what occurs after that decisions is made....


Blogger Tylers.Net said...

Amen, I like to think of Faith as holding on to God's promises during the decisions that you make as well. Like Abraham did. By the way you should turn on word verification in you comments or you will be getting comment spam. Thanks for blogging!

3:39 PM  

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