Thursday, August 31, 2006

Being young again

I love the start of the fall, in spite of how busy and tiring it can be. Being around the students and doing tons of activities keeps me young and excited. Tonight our HG is getting together to eat at J&J's on the square and hang out with some of the new folks we've met these past two weeks. After this Labor Day weekend we'll start to settle into the more normal routine of homegroup meetings and hanging out, but, these past two weeks have been a blast.

In other "being young" news, I now have a facebook site. Thanks to Melissa for letting me know I can get an alumni e-mail address and get on facebook with it. The only thing that's tough is that I'm A&M alumni, but most of the people I'd look up and join groups with are part of the UNT network. I do feel very "in" with the students being on facebook, but it makes me feel pretty old when I see other Alums with the years '04 and '05.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

10 Best Will Ferrell Skits

Check out the top 10