Tuesday, January 30, 2007

This is how adulthood feels

At some point in life I got old. I didn't really notice when it happened, but then all of a sudden, there I was. Trimming my unibrow in the bathroom mirror and thinking about the day's work ahead of me... wondering if I'll get some quality time with the kids and Debi, and contemplating whether keeping up the business is worth the stress.
When I was a teenager being 30 seemed ancient, as if by the time I was that old I'd have a massive treasure trove of wisdom, and people would seek me out for advice on any topic while I sat with a pipe in hand and contemplated advanced theological concepts. Today, if I was sitting with a pipe in hand, I'd be contemplating how I'd need to shower before going to bed because of the smell of smoke, so that would mean I'd need to start getting ready for bed around 9:30, because otherwise I'd be overly exhausted in the morning, and I need to get up by 6:15 to write the workorders for tomorrow along with maps to the job site, and make a list of supplies needed, etc, etc...
Anyway, no real point to this post except to warn everyone that I am now old. Watch out!


Blogger erin leigh said...

aw, Josiah... i already knew that you were old. :) love you and miss you.

2:50 PM  
Blogger Sarha said...


This might sound weird because I don't know you & Debi "super" well.....but I miss you guys. I seriously think and pray for you often. Regardless of wherever we all end up, I just wanted you to know that you guys feel like Kindred Spirits to me and I pray for nothing but the best for you and your family.

Be blessed brother,

3:28 PM  

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