Saturday, February 24, 2007

People I love

Debi and I were at Barnes and Noble last night and ran into Cody. He was meeting Dawn and Beth to go to dinner, and Debi and I were just chilling away from the kids for a little bit. Anyway, it was really good to see him, since it's been a while. It got me thinking last night and this morning about how blessed I am to have been a part of the lives of so many awesome people. God has graciously alowed me to grow close to a lot of people, and that's a tremendous blessing. I read that in America today, most people have less than three "close" friends. I thought I'd try to list off people I consider "close" friends, and found that I have a ton. (At least people I would consider close... they might not say the same about me, but that doesn't bother me much.) Having stayed in student ministry as long as I have, I've had the wonderful opportunity to grow close to a new group of people pretty much every year. Even those that are gone I still consider close... anyway, what an awesome thing to have. That's the goodness of the Lord.


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