Saturday, September 23, 2006

Completely Uncalled For

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Blue Like Jazz

Am I the only one who didn't really think Blue Like Jazz was that great a book? It seems like everyone who has read it found it life changing or something. I'm not really sure why. Here are a few of my thoughts on it, in random order.

1. While some of it is humerous and enjoyable, (I thought the chapter on dating was pretty funny), the majority of the essays just seem to ramble on. The points Don was making or trying to make seemed like they could have been done in a couple of paragraphs.

2. I'm sure that Don Miller is a great guy, and if I met him in person I'd probably like him a lot, but my impression of him from the book was that he's extremely cynical, especially in regard to other Christians and the church at large. I thought his criticism of the church in America came out of his personal experience, and that he was applying it far too universally. e.g. "All non-Christians think _____ about the church too."

3. As a piece of "postmodern" Christian thought I didn't find it near as insightful as some others. Most notably to me, "A New Kind of Christian" by McLaren, and "The Provocative Church" by Tomlin.

4. When did compromising values start to be the "correct" thing to do as a Christian? You don't have to swear or drink or smoke to reach unbelievers.

5. Ok, one thing I thought was good from the book was Don's openess about his life. In that regard, I enjoyed reading the story of another follower of Christ and about how he lived out his faith.

If anyone has any comments, please contribute, this is just my persepective.