Friday, October 13, 2006


Been a while since I posted anything, and I've got several things I was thinking about posting, so I think I'll try and squeeze them all in, even if it seems totally random.

I'm just about done with my project house in Sanger. We've almost got it finished, with a few minor things left, and I've got it in the DRC, and I've gotten some calls from the For Sale by Owner sign I put up. I don't think it will be hard to sell, but of the three peope who have asked about it far, two of them also asked if I was owner finacing. I don't really know how to owner finance, though it sounds like a good idea. I'll have to search the internet for some tips on what to do there.

In regard to work stuff, things have started slowing down after the hectic summer, but I'm not discouraged. I feel very content right now with the business. It's been two years, and though it's been a real struggle at times, the Lord has provided fully, and has really grown me a lot through all that I've learned in running the business. The main concerns I have right now are about my employees and my Dad, and how I should be using them in a way that is a blessing to both them and the business.

I went to both the Mavs scrimmage on UNT and the first preseason homegame last night and have a few thoughts on the new players:
Devean George and Austin Croshure: These guys are both veterans, and somewhat decent role players, so I thought I'd see a lot more out them than I what I have seen. Croshure I just watched last night for the first time and was pretty dissapointed with his game. No strong offensive moves. Didn't pull down rebounds or even get in the mix defensively. George I thought tried to get into his role as an outside shooter, but he couldn't connect on anything. Missed 3 wide open three pointers.
Mo Agur: I like what I saw of him in the scrimmage and last night. Made lot's of rookie mistakes, but seems like he's going to do well on the defensive side, and can contribute some outside shooting.
Jose Juan Barea: Looks like a kid out there next to the big guys, but has a lot of hustle, which I like.
Washington and Johnson: Didn't see much to impress, seemed out of sorts in the offense.
My favorite player from last night.... DJ Mbenga. Good defensive prescense, banged the boards, and contributed on offense. Seemed confident and very aware of what was going on on the court. Hopefully that's a good sign for things to come.

Aggies vs. Mizzou
This is pretty much my last hope for coach Fran. If he doesn't pull off the win tomorrow, I'm officially joining the "Fire Fran" crowd. I miss the old RC days when at least we had a pretty respectable record every year, and we could put together the big win every now and then. Debi and I will probably watch the game at my parents house tomorrow, it's on ABC, which is exciting for the Ags, we don't often get network coverage anymore.

Homegroup has been going great I think. I'm looking forward to next weekends retreat, and praying that a good chunk of my homegroup comes.

I have some thoughts from the Word, and some other stuff I'd like to post, but it's pushing 9:30, and I'm getting sleepy.....