Saturday, December 09, 2006


So, we went to Nathan's memorial service today and it was really cool. I'm not all sure what to write about it, except that I'm really thankful that God allowed me to know Nate growing up, and see his life and the way he touched others. It really was inspiring to see how many people came to the service, and to hear their testimony's about Nate's life and the way he touched them. He really did have a full life for only being 24 years old, and God had used him in some great ways.
We got to see a ton of people I hadn't seen in a long time... a lot of them since Debi and my wedding. It was cool to see some old friends and get to spend some time with them. We'll get to do that again tomorrow night, as we're having a little youth group reunion. It's strange to think that all of us are grown up now. Most of us married, and some with kids. Katie Castiellos sent out an e-mail setting up our little reunion, and she mentioned how looking back she sees how special a group we had, and she's right. We had a lot of closeness in our relationships, such that we can not have talked to each other in the past six years, and yet there's not any real akwardness. I feel really blessed to have grown up with this group of friends, and I look forward to all our future reunions, both here and in heaven.
I'm really praying for Lauren now. I think that if I were in her situation, the part of saying goodbye that I would most fear and have the hardest time with is the reality of not having Debi with me in the everyday. After the services are over and you have to "get on with life"... I couldn't really imagine that. I just pray for God's grace for her.
I know Nate is happy with the way his service went and the get together afterwards... I'm looking forward to seeing him again in heaven.