Sunday, January 21, 2007


It's been a good while since I've posted... sorry to all of you loyal blog readers ;-)

I've been feeling a lot of need lately to take a sabatical of some type. Not that anything is wrong, but I've felt lately the need to focus primarily on my personal relationship with the Lord. The heavy responsibilities of work, family, and ministry do have the result (at least in my life) of pulling me further from the simplicity of just being a child of God and enjoying Him. So, I'm not sure what form my sabatical will take, and what it practically means to take one. But, I know I need to spend some time primarily focussed on Him, and not just doing things for Him.


Blogger Sarha said...

AMEN brother! It's so important to just stop sometimes and not do anything but be His come to Him as a sit at the feet of your dear sweet friend and soak in the pleasure of His company.

Praying for you,
Sarha :-)

9:42 PM  

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