Sunday, January 15, 2006

1 and 1 so far

We'll see how tonights games go.... I really expeced more from New England though, they just didn't seem to play to the level they have in previous playoff games....

On another note, interesting news piece on Stephen Baldwin and his fight against a porn shop going up in his neighborhood:

Gina and Pat were over a few weeks ago and we were discussing Gina's volunteer work for friends of the family. She is volunteering as an advocate for victims of sexual assult in Denton county. Anyway, from the orientation she learned that Sanger has a much larger number of sexual assults as compared to population than other towns in Denton county. When asked why, the trainer explained that they don't "know" exactly, but their theory is that it's largely due to the adult video store there in Sanger.

Jatin and I were discussing two days ago it's a great site combating porn and exposing its effects on people's lives. Also has great resources for those struggling with this area. I encourage checking it out


Anonymous Anonymous said...

don't quit your day job...

6:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Exodus International is another ministry that reaches out to people struggling with sexual addictions, etc.

12:29 PM  

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