Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Back to normal?

We put up our Christmas stuff yesterday and moved the living room back around to it's normal layout. We are still getting a couple of chairs recovered, but that should happen soon. I sat in my big chair to have my quiet time this morning, which was nice, I've missed it...

I felt challenged by the Lord this morning on the idea of servanthood... that God's leader is a servant to all. I've been relatively frustrated the last few days after getting back from Skeek with certain things I see going on that are making it difficult to go into the spring semester with excitement. It hurts to see people picked off by the enemy. It hurts to see friends give up. I long for more soldiers who have counted the cost, forsaken their own desires, and are standing with me in combat. Even writing that, I know the thought people might say to me... "Well Josiah, you don't really understand what's going on in my life... you've never experienced ______". That's true... The challenge for me personally is how to serve others that leads them to also serve? I really have no idea. I have no real clue how to identify with and comfort people who are going through hard times. I have no idea how to challenge people to keep pursuing without sounding harsh and insensitive. That's why, in speaking with the Lord this morning I was reminded that the Lord's servant is a servant to ALL, regardless of their actions or anything else. Whether or not people rise up and serve with me I cannot control. the Lord has called me to serve them at all time, in all circumstances, in all emotions. This next semester may start slow, may be challenging, may be frustrating, may be awful. It may also see the Lord do great and powerful things (I believe it will). Regardless, my call is to serve.


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