Friday, January 13, 2006


No real meaning to the title of this post... just a few random things

Merit started getting sick last night and had her temp jump up high really quickly. Not sure if it's the flu that's going around, but she seemed to go from ok to horrible extremely quickly. She mostly just sat on Debi's lap and fell in and out of sleep from around 7:00 on. This morning she seems a lot better though. Her temperature is still over 100, but she's acting much more normal. I was feeling a little bad myself last night, but took some echinacea and tylenol and started feeling better. David told me this morning though that he thought he had made it past it, and then it hit him again like a load of bricks. Let's hope that doesn't happen...

Work's slow right now, which is frustrating for me. When I'm not doing things that make money it's very stressful for me and I start freaking out about stuff. I've been giving some bids and it seems like some good stuff is happening but when multiple days go by without seeing income it gets trying to my spirit.

I've been reading in Hebrews and caught this verse... (12:3) "For consider Him who has endured such hostility by sinners against Himself, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart." Main thought: to avoid growing weary and losing heart, we must, must, must focus on Christ.

One last verse that I was struck by in Hebrews because it so accurately fits with situations I'm involved in right now, (12:15) "See to it that no one comes short of the grace of God; that no root of bitterness springing up causes trouble, and by it many be defiled." Main thought: bitterness will cause people to miss out on the grace of God. Second thought: It's my responsibility to see to it that this doesn't happen.... heavy...

Last thing, heard this morning that a friend and his fiancee are moving up their wedding date due to pregnancy. It's difficult because both of them are already on the fringes of involvement in The Body, and with this now I would expect them to pull away from fellowship even more... which is exactly the opposite of what the Lord would desire, and what I desire for them... more tough stuff... (for those reading this, they are not involved with Hope, in case this freaked you out)



Blogger Tylers.Net said...

Oh no! Hope Merit feels better. Hope it isn't the flu the Patels had. Hope you feel better too. I need to call and ask how David is doing...

12:36 PM  

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