Wednesday, January 18, 2006

What matters

Dawn put up a great post on her xanga blog that got me started thinking. I wanted to post a comment, but xanga doesn't allow you to comment without setting up an acount... what's up with that?

anyway, here's the best paragraph from her:

>I want to hear from God so badly. I am so afraid that I am going to go the wrong direction, that I am going to miss my direction and my purpose. I want to change this world while I live on it. I am beginning to think "the hell with clout," maybe all that matters is spending my life to help a few. I hate this selfish existance.

So, the question worth exploring is, what is worth it? I was reminded reading her post of John Piper's book "Don't Waste You Life". (I have it, if anyone wan's to borrow it) The main point; any person can throw themselves into something and do well at it. Most everything that you can live for as a christian, a non-christian can do just as well, if not better. Even good things like philanthropy: just becuase I know Christ does not mean I will make more difference in feeding hungry people or caring for the sick. There's really only one thing that we can do as christians that a non-christian cannot do... bring people to Christ. We have been given a great gift, to be able to be involoved with what God is doing on the earth in drawing people to Himself. To us has been committed this responsibility, and it's the only thing that really matters. The only way to guarantee you won't waste your life, is to sell out for the cause of winning people to Christ. It's our privledge, our mission, our life goal. I feel confident in saying that I feel right in the middle of God's will, as I've committed my life 100% to sharing with those around me about Christ. It's my ultimate goal, and it really doesn't matter where I live, what profession I have, how much money I make or anything else. All of those things are secondary to my purpose and mission in life, and for that reason I am confident that my life will make a difference.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

A hearty "AMEN!"

love you lots --- mom

9:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Josiah, I didn't know you've read my xanga! Beware, it gets kind of rough sometimes : ) Your thoughts were encouraging on it. I think I forget that Christ did just ask us to share his truth and love. I may not get to Africa but I know that the heavens rejoice even when I just share some of Jesus with the people I see everyday. I think I am going to read the book you mentioned. Beth has mentioned it before and she actually has it so... I hope to see my home group family soon. God Bless. -Dawn

4:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the great reminder of our easy it is to forget.

~ Mullet

12:19 PM  
Blogger Tylers.Net said...

Amen, Josiah! Thanks for the great reminder!! --Christi

6:18 PM  

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