Sunday, March 26, 2006

Keepin it real

It's been a while since I've blogged, and it seems like there is a ton of stuff I want to write about, from the Final Four, to Wal Mart's organic push, to the immigration reform protests going on... Lot's of stuff. Since I only have about 5 minutes though, I'll keep it short and just give you guys a quick update on the last two weeks.

Spring break was good, it was still a busy week, but we had a good time as a family, and got to spend time with Debi's family some. My sister Autumn came in town after not being in the country for the last few years. She's going to be living in Orlando, but came to visit for a few weeks here before moving back there and adjusting to life back in the states. It's great to see her, and Merit loves her. The team from Kenya got back, and it seemed like everyone had a very encouraging time on the trip. The thing they shared was most surprising was how much the saints were already doing over there, which wasn't what they had expected to see. Praise God for laborers all over the world! The second half of the semester started up this week, and we had a good Bible study at Clark Hall. I'm enjoying that time, as it's pretty laid back and conversational. We had a HG servants retreat this past weekend, and had a great time. I love the other brothers I serve with, and am so thankful for them. It's pretty rare that we all get to be together for more than an hour or two, so that time was really precious and I was encouraged to be around these faithful men. This weekend was our women's retreat, which Debi was speaking at. She was really nervous, but I think she did very well. I stayed with Merit and we had a good time together just the two of us. We got a lot done around the house...

Anyway, that's a quick summary of stuff the last two weeks.

On a different note, special thanks to my friend Tammy for turning me on to Check this site out if you are looking for new music, it's like having your own radio station.


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