Monday, March 06, 2006

Long abscence from blogging

"What's going on with the Rogers?" you may ask...

The past few weeks have seemed jam packed for some reason. Part of it is because I'm trying to get Lightyear up and going, which is proving to be very stressful. Another part is because I've been dealing with some internal trials and struggles that have really been weighing me down. Yet another part is because Merit's been sick for a few days, and that's been tough.

Lately, even when she's not sick, Merit has been waking up around 6:30 in the morning. That's made it hard for me to have a good time alone with the Lord, which is what I normally do at that time. I've been trying to read while Merit's eating breakfast, and then get some prayer time in while carrying her around the living room... but, it's been tough. I have that feeling of really missing a good friend...

As a result of a lot of the trials in my life I've felt very discouraged lately. I know that the Christian life is not about performance, but part of the fact of leadership is that people do judge you on your performance as a leader. (I know because I often judge other leaders on their performance... something I'm working through with the Lord.) When I look at the past six months it just seems like I've failed as a leader in many areas in my life... and it seems like I keep getting reminded about my failure daily. My daily prayer has been that God would help me to keep getting off the mat and fighting.

On another note, Debi, Merit and I are going to Boston Thursday. We'll be there for the weekend and hope to spend some good time getting a feel for how it will be to live in the city as a family. Hopefully we'll also get to have some conversations with other spiritual laborers there who can help us discern the leading of the Spirit about a church plant. I'm really looking forward just to spending a few days alone with Debi (and Merit too, but mostly Debi) in the city we honeymooned in.


Blogger Tylers.Net said...

I hope you guys have a great time in Boston! Sorry that it has been a tough time lately. I know that I constantly look to your example in being a homegroup leader, a hardworking servant, and most of all in your relationship with Christ. Look forward to catching up with you sir...

10:54 PM  
Blogger Katie B said...

Have a blast...I'm jealous! Don't forget to pahk your cah in Hahvad yahd. Okay, that's so cheesy...but you get the point.

5:51 PM  

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