Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Boston Visit

I don't have the time to write a long post about our Boston visit right now, but wanted to throw up a few of the impressions I was left with from the Lord.

We stayed in the Back Bay area of Boston, which was very nice, and very convenient for us. We were able to get around easily, and had a great time together as a family. Debi and I were able to walk a couple of campuses and pray for the students there. It was spring break, so classes weren't in, but even with that it seemed like we saw students everywhere. The entire city is crowded with young people, everywhere you look, which is exciting.

I would say the best benefit of this trip though was getting to meet Mike and Melissa Marjakowski, and Terry and Neil Richarde. Mike and Melissa are the cousins of Sarha Carbollo in Orlando, (the Lord is leading Sarha to join up with us on the plant). Neil and Terry are ministering with Grace Street Church, which they helped plant in Boston 5 years ago.

Talking to Mike and Melissa was really good for Debi and I, as we have been wondering what life in Boston is like, what the people are like (is there really a huge cultural gap?), and how we would fit in being from Texas. Having lunch with them was really awesome, as it just felt so encouraging and helped to get past some of those fears of us not being able to relate to New England natives. They are an awesome couple that the Lord is using there, and it was a blessing to spend time with them. They also gave us some great insight into the needs of city, and helped to answer some of the exact questions I've been praying for answers for. Anyway, it seemed to both Debi and I like the Lord was very much involved in connecting us with them. (We didn't even know they were there until I had talked with Sarha last Monday night, and by Saturday we were having lunch at their house!)

We had lunch with Neil and Terry on Sunday before we came back to Denton, and it was great to meet with them and get the perspective of people who have been a part of planting a successful church in Boston. They were very encouraging to us, and were excited about the possibility of more laborers in Boston. Since they have been through a very similar experience to what I would expect us to go through (they moved from California to Boston with a large family), it was awesome to get their insight and advice. The Lord has really blessed their faith, and it seems like is doing great things through their church there. We didn't get to go to the service that night, but hope to the next time we make it up.

Anyway, by far the best part of the trip was us meeting these two couples, and both Debi and I came back with a real feeling like the Lord was very much involved, and is moving on this plant. I'd love to share some more of the specifics, but I'll close it off for now.


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