Saturday, February 18, 2006

I followed my heart and it led me straight to Jackson

Well, I'm now the proud owner of one, "Lightyear Properties". If anyone hears of any good real estate deals give me a nod...

It was slow blogging this week. We worked in Dallas which made for long and tiring days. We've been doing a full house, interior and exterior, so luckily we got the exterior finished by Thursday before we got hit with the Arctic Blast (not to be confused with a drink at Sonic). It was a tiring week for my dad, David and I though, so I think we'll all enjoy the weekend.

I wanted to recognize some people I've been really encouraged by these last few weeks. Through little things I've seen them say or do, or their attitude, these people have been encouraging to me...
Beth Craney, Kate Leanna, Cody Watkins, Jerrod Inskeep

Thanks guys!


Blogger david said...

I've been encouraged by those very same people this week as well!


7:42 PM  

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