Friday, May 05, 2006


So, I download a lot of songs (legally of course) that end up on my hard drive, but it's not often that I have the time to sort through them to find the good stuff. It's mostly indie rock/pop/folk/electronic... anyway, every now and again I get the brief time to scan through and sure enough, there's some awesome stuff out there. Here are a few of the music makers I've been enjoying lately.

- if you liked Kid Fantastic back in the day, check these guys out! It brings back visions of the Cow Hop.

Josh Ritter
- great songwriting and the kind of voice I like on my folk/rock singers... gravely with a tinge of country accent. From the look of his web site, Josh is garnring quite a bit of media attention as well.

- in all honesty, the main reason I include this band here is because I like their name. It makes me think, "Why do you hate the long-hair Mogwai?"... Their music is cool mood music though... something to enjoy when you want to chill

Ted Leo and the Pharmacists
- my current favorite band! I wanted to go to south by southwest just to see them mainly. There are several sweet tunes to download from their site, I recommend "Me and Mia" and "Where Have all the Rude Boys Gone" for starters.


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