Thursday, May 11, 2006

Playoff tidbits

I haven't even put up a post about the playoffs yet, I'm sure everyone was holding their breath waiting on my predictions. Well, I'm going to predict the mavs take out SA, but it will go to 7 games. I'll hold off on other predictions right now.

Cody and I are going to game 4 on Monday thanks to my awesome mother in law. It'll be sweet! Saturday there's a good group going to watch the game at the Movie Tavern, and everyone's invited who wants to come.

I thought it was interesting that Cuban got fined for calling out the refs as I didn't think his criticism was unduly harsh. I've watched every mav game but one so far in the playoffs, and a couple of the other games and the officiating has been all over the map. The commissioner himself just admitted that refs miss about 5% of the calls, so what's the big deal with Cuban saying the league should only use the top 12 refs during the playoffs? I'm guessing that Mark has just stepped on so many toes in the NBA front office that they feel compelled to fine him...


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