Saturday, June 24, 2006

More Pics of Brynnn


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats Rogers! She is sooo precious! I am sad that I cannot see her until I get back from Seattle. I love the picture with Merit and Brynn. By the way, Dave and I think it's funny that you guys were so sure she'd be a boy.
Hugs all around and a special happy birthday kiss on the head for Brynn!


7:38 PM  
Blogger Sarha said...

Congratulations!!! I am so happy that everything went so well. She is beautiful. Merit looks like she's already loving being a big sister. God bless you!

Sarha :-)

8:04 AM  
Blogger tranthegirl said...

A very hearty congratulations! Love the entire Rogers clan and am happy about the wee sweet one.

9:57 AM  

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