Thursday, January 26, 2006

Hamas, Iran, and the middle east

In case you didn't hear on the news, the terrorist group Hamas had a big victory in the Palestinian elections, defeating the moderate party that has held sway since Arafat's death. Add to that the new leadership in Iran and their push for nuclear power, and there are some interesting things brewing in the middle east. I read a recent article where the Iranian president was quoted as saying that he is continuing to push for nuclear arms because he believes there will be a massive world war showdown between Muslims and the west very soon. Jatin told me this morning that he read another article about the same guy's religious beliefs regarding the Koran's prophecy about a coming Muslim messiah who will rule the world. The Iranian president belives that it's his responsibility to prepare the way for this messiah... Anyway, very interesting times we live in, making me long for Jesus return...

Here's a news article on Iran's support for Hamas...


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