Monday, January 23, 2006

Trials and Joy

Well, my playoff pics were split again this week... glad I'm not a betting man. The super bowl matchup should be a good one. I'm leaning toward predicting a Pittsburg blowout, but I'll wait until Friday.

Over the past few months watching my friends go through trials and struggles I remember thinking, "Well God, I'm sure I'll be hitting some trials of my own soon." Sure enough, it seems like the start of this semester has brought with it a lot of stuff that's really burdened my heart and challenged my faith. I'm thankful though that I feel like I was prepared, and things aren't hitting me blind. I realize that God is at work, and with that I can be thankful and even joyful, even though when looking at the situations I don't want to be.

I spoke with Jerrod today and was very encouraged. It seems like what I was praying for him God is doing... He told me his job has been extremely trying, both physically and emotionally. He just recently was on a domestic disturbance call that turned into a murder suicide, and was telling me how difficult that was for him to witness, but how God has been using these situations to really draw Jerrod closer in his walk and strengthen his faith. It's awesome, because those were things I was praying specifically for him, and it is so good to see God answer those prayers.

The picture above is of Merit, she had been asleep for an hour or so, and Debi and I walked in to see her still asleep, half on the floor. She's so cute, I love spending time with her.


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