Sunday, February 12, 2006


We had a pretty laid back weekend I suppose... didn't do a whole lot, but Debi, Merit and I spent a lot of time together.

The past few weeks I've had to make some decisions that have been tough. It's been hard for me to really hear God's voice in the midst of circumstances that seem very difficult. In reality though, I know that my perception is limited and my understanding incomplete. For me personally I've noticed God revealing needs in me that I didn't really know were there.

Tomorrow I'm meeting with Dennis to discuss starting a real estate company... I've got a lot of uneasiness and feel pretty stressed about the whole thing. I've been wrestling with whether my anxiety is coming from myself or if there's really something from the Lord I need to hear. The trouble is not being able to clearly understand. It's easy for me to want the Lord to give very clear direction, the flame and the cloud. In reality though, I know that faith is the answer... men and women who saw the flame and cloud still rebelled against God because of lack of faith.

"Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful."


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