Monday, July 24, 2006

Striving Forward

So, I impressed myself with my golf game the other night. I thought I would totally go out and stink it up since I haven't hit a golf ball in at least 8 years, but I did better than I thought. Brandon still killed us, but I think I came in second in the skins match...

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

What's up world?

Here's the haps in the Rogers fam, short version in random order of thought:

Work is extremely busy
Brynn and Merit doing well, Debi busy
Matt still in town, helping out with business
Convention last weekend, I got a new pair of shoes
New (to me) Jeep
Haven't spent enough time with other saints lately, miss it
Haven't played guitar in way too long....
People still bringing us meals, which is extra awesome
Going to play golf with Brandon and the guys Friday night, working Saturday...
Mom's birthday Sunday, we are celebrating tomorrow

By family member:
Merit: talking a lot, said "sure enough" yesterday, just like Debi does
Brynn: sleeping well, looking very cute, we think she'll have blue eyes
Erin: introspective
Debi: focussed and on top of things
Josiah: tired, stressed, but encouraged

Friday, July 07, 2006

Francis Frangipane Quote

It is one thing to repent of sin; another, to be placed in life's furnace and be forced beyond yourself to trust God. In the first case, God works through our willingness to engage and submit; He deals with what we have done. In the second situation, He goes much deeper and deals with what we actually are. When He deals only with our sin, He requires we humble ourselves; when we are in the fire, He kills what we were, and then humbles our enemies.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Happy 4th!

We're pretty much back in the swing of life since Brynn was born. Work has gotten back to it's normal level of stress for me, and Debi is getting used to having two kids to look after. Brynn is fairly easy it seems, you stick her in the sling and she's out like a light.

For the 4th today we are just hanging around the house and cleaning up. Merit went to the parade this morning with Grandma and Pop and came back with candy and a bead necklace she likes a lot. Autumn gets in at 3:00, and she's excited to see Merit and Brynn. This is the first time since my grandfather's funeral 2 years ago that all of my family has been in the same city. We scheduled to take a family picture this Saturday.

We're planning on going out to Fouts field to watch the fireworks tonight with several of the other couples. It'll be fun, I think Merit will enjoy it more this year than last, especially with Autumn, Erin and other kids to play with.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

More pictures

Back on the net

We finally got our internet access working again after being out for a week and a half. So, I can post some more about life with two kids and some new pics of Brynn.

The birth went extremely well for everyone that is wondering. The active labor was just about 7 hours, and we had Brynn at home like we wanted. There were no complications at all, and the whole experience seemed extremely normal, like it was barely a disruption into our everyday life. Debi did awesome. I really didn't think we were that far along when she woke me up because her attitude was so relaxed. I kept saying "We have a long way to go, it's just early first stage." But when Hilary checked her she was at 7 to 8 centimeters, which really surprised me.

Brynn has been great. She sleeps very well, so our sleep schedule has barely been interrupted. She nurses a lot, and rarely cries. She's very cute, and she has that new baby smell.
Merit has had a little difficulty adjusting to Brynn being here, but it's getting better. Its tough for her to not have Debi's attention all the time, but I think that in a few weeks she'll be fine.