Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Proud Dad moments

Merit has done two things that have made me proud yesterday and today...

Yesterday was big first, the first time she's used the potty all by herself! She told Debi she needed to go, so Debi told her to go into the bathroom and go by herself. She used her stool to get up on the potty, and then went, wiped, and got off all on her own. She's so big!

Today was the first time she's really talked on the phone. Debi called and I asked Merit if she wanted to talk to Mommy and she said yes. Normally on the phone she just listens and doesn't really know what to do, but today I let her hold the phone and then told her a few things to tell Mommy, and she did. It was really cute to hear her tell Debi what she had for lunch, and that we went on a walk... anyway, she's so smart, and I love her so much.


Blogger Autumn Rogers said...

i can't wait to see her! and you guys as well. :)


7:53 PM  
Blogger Tylers.Net said...

Way to go Merit!!! Aren't "first's" so awesome!!

12:08 PM  

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