Monday, January 30, 2006


So, I got "tagged" by Autumn, and as near as I can tell that means I'm supposed to post some different pieces of information about myself and then "tag" 4 other people. So, here goes:

4 of my favorite spots in Denton:
1. My house
2. IOOF cemetery
3. UNT Campus
4. Northlakes park

4 seasonings I like:
1. Garlic
2. Basil
3. Red pepper
4. Cilantro

4 beverages I enjoy:
1. Coffee black
2. Coffee with cream
3. Good old water
4. Root beer floats

4 people that make me laugh:
1. Merit
2. David Grotheim
3. Jeff Cobb
4. Homer Simpson

4 things I'd buy right now if I had some extra cash:
1. A new pair of jeans
2. David Crowder's new CD
3. A sweet pair of sunglasses that are Merit proof
4. A drum kit

4 things on my desk right now that aren't usually here:
1. Bill from Verizon
2. A chain of paper clips that Cody made and stuck on my computer
3. My Bible and journal
4. An empty coffee cup

4 people I'll tag:
1. Gresko
2. Katie
3. Dawn
4. Beth


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