Friday, February 03, 2006

Super Bowl Pick

Usually in games where I have no vested emotional interest in either team, I root for the underdog. So, I will be rooting for Seattle this Sunday, hoping to see them knock off the Steelers... for my pick though I've got to go with Ben, Bettis, and company...

Pittsburg wins 27-17


Anonymous Anonymous said...

HAve you heard the whole A&M vs. Seahawks controversy? Seattle seems to be ripping off the whole 12th Man thing or something.

12:02 PM  
Blogger Josiah said...

I did follow that story, but I don't think it's such a big deal as everyone's making it out to be... it doesn't bother too much if a Pro team has a 12th man thing going on... if it was another college it would bother me

10:19 PM  
Blogger Josiah said...

by the way, what's the address of your blog?

10:20 PM  

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