Wednesday, February 08, 2006


Jana gave me two tickets to a Mavericks gome over the holidays, so last night Stephen and I went to see the Mavs/Lakers. The seats were awesome, we were on the first level about halfway up, just behind and to the right of the backboard. It was sweet. Being that close you can really see a lot more of what is going on on the court and what the teams are trying to do. It was a great game, I've got to write a thank you note to Jana.

I think the better thing though was being able to hang out with Stephen for a night. It's great to have a friendship with someone where you can not have seen each other for months, but when you get together it's like no time has passed at all and you can just jump back into deep conversations about any subject. It was really good to talk to him and just enjoy our friendship and have fun, and that was very refreshing. One consequence of having a pretty hard day at work, and then being out until 11:00 at a basketball game is that my sore throat is bad today. I'm staying home today to try and rest up and hope the rawness goes away...


Blogger Tylers.Net said...

I enjoyed the game. I couldn't believe Phil Jackson's decision to take the back to back delay of game penalties and the technical foul that came with it. Marc Cuban has a very interesting blog post about the game, he claims he owns Phil Jackson. Pretty entertaining! It was also cool to see Lance Armstrong at the game.

4:22 PM  

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