Monday, February 06, 2006

Other Super Bowl Comments

Was it just me or were there not very many funny commercials? The only one's I realyl liked where the Ameriquest ones where the tag line was "Don't judge too quickly". The one in the first half with the doctors and the fly was pretty funny. Other than that, nothing really stood out... I didn't like the Diet Pepsi commercials at all... the Budweiser commecials were just rehashes of previous ones with the horses playing football and stuff. Overall, I'd give this years commercial crop a D+

Second pioint. The halftime show was just lame. Nothing interesting, nothing surprising, just boring. I switched over to the Simpsons for a while, and then switched back in case I missed some surprise guest or something cool... but no, it was just more of the same. Grade: D-


Blogger Tylers.Net said...

Didn't get to see many last night. So, I watched some this am. For integrety and purity sake do not watch the go daddy ones. I will never use them as a hosting company.

10:45 AM  
Blogger Tylers.Net said...

Yeah, Nathan and I were sick too so we just layed around with blankets on the couch also very disappointed with the commercials!! During the halftime we read a book - pretty sad! The best part of the night was the 7 layer dip I made for the party we didn't get to go to. YUMMY! OH, and of course, Grey's Anatomy after we put the boys to bed!! :)

12:03 PM  
Blogger Tylers.Net said...

OH, by the way, raising arrows is Christi. :)

12:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, I wasn't very captivated by the commercials, and I agree the halftime this year and last year weren't alot of pazazz like in the past. However, I kind of like it more. It isn't a lot of flash and mirrors but artists that just stand on their own. I'm not a big Rolling Stones fan cuz they are creeps, but I give them credit as musicians to be kickin' for so long. Also, it proves that confidence is everything. Mic Jaggar is one of the ugliest people ever and the man can't dance but he doesn't care which just draws people in more. Crazy!

10:27 PM  
Blogger david said...

I do have to say that I liked the first commercial for "Full Throttle" that had the caption, "Let Your Man Out."
My roommates and I got a kick out of that one.

4:41 PM  

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