Sunday, February 05, 2006

Steelers win

One of the better Super Bowls in recent years in my opinion... good momentum swings and a very competitive game. With Debi and Merit being sick and me starting to feel it too we just stayed here and watched the game and had a pretty low key day. I cleaned the kitchen, and now Debi's holding a sleeping Merit and watching Grey's Anatomy while I type.

I downloaded a teaching from Faithwalkers that I wanted to listen to and recorded it to CD so I could listen to it in the car, which I did yesterday. The teaching was a follow up on one I got a lot out of last year, titled "Raising Up an Army" by Tim Borseth. Anyway, in the follow up he talks about problems that you run into when you are trying to really accomplish the task of raising people up. It seems like when you are attempting something significant, the challenges get harder and harder. It was a good teaching that was very challenging to me personally as I considered his points. One of the things that was really hard hitting though was talking about God putting ministry on hold until things are worked through in the leaders life. It was really important for me to be reminded that God cares more about me than he does about the success of our ministry or my homegroup. He will allow the homegroup to struggle, flounder, and even crash, all because He cares so much about my life and seeing me grow and change. Anyway, that point was really convicting for me and what my attitude has been toward what God is doing (or what I think He isn't doing). I got some good thoughts through listing to Tim's points, and was just praising God today for how faithful He is to keep growing me and challenging me.


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