Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Proud Dad moments

Merit has done two things that have made me proud yesterday and today...

Yesterday was big first, the first time she's used the potty all by herself! She told Debi she needed to go, so Debi told her to go into the bathroom and go by herself. She used her stool to get up on the potty, and then went, wiped, and got off all on her own. She's so big!

Today was the first time she's really talked on the phone. Debi called and I asked Merit if she wanted to talk to Mommy and she said yes. Normally on the phone she just listens and doesn't really know what to do, but today I let her hold the phone and then told her a few things to tell Mommy, and she did. It was really cute to hear her tell Debi what she had for lunch, and that we went on a walk... anyway, she's so smart, and I love her so much.

Monday, January 30, 2006


So, I got "tagged" by Autumn, and as near as I can tell that means I'm supposed to post some different pieces of information about myself and then "tag" 4 other people. So, here goes:

4 of my favorite spots in Denton:
1. My house
2. IOOF cemetery
3. UNT Campus
4. Northlakes park

4 seasonings I like:
1. Garlic
2. Basil
3. Red pepper
4. Cilantro

4 beverages I enjoy:
1. Coffee black
2. Coffee with cream
3. Good old water
4. Root beer floats

4 people that make me laugh:
1. Merit
2. David Grotheim
3. Jeff Cobb
4. Homer Simpson

4 things I'd buy right now if I had some extra cash:
1. A new pair of jeans
2. David Crowder's new CD
3. A sweet pair of sunglasses that are Merit proof
4. A drum kit

4 things on my desk right now that aren't usually here:
1. Bill from Verizon
2. A chain of paper clips that Cody made and stuck on my computer
3. My Bible and journal
4. An empty coffee cup

4 people I'll tag:
1. Gresko
2. Katie
3. Dawn
4. Beth

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Hamas, Iran, and the middle east

In case you didn't hear on the news, the terrorist group Hamas had a big victory in the Palestinian elections, defeating the moderate party that has held sway since Arafat's death. Add to that the new leadership in Iran and their push for nuclear power, and there are some interesting things brewing in the middle east. I read a recent article where the Iranian president was quoted as saying that he is continuing to push for nuclear arms because he believes there will be a massive world war showdown between Muslims and the west very soon. Jatin told me this morning that he read another article about the same guy's religious beliefs regarding the Koran's prophecy about a coming Muslim messiah who will rule the world. The Iranian president belives that it's his responsibility to prepare the way for this messiah... Anyway, very interesting times we live in, making me long for Jesus return...

Here's a news article on Iran's support for Hamas...

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Church Planting

for those who asked, here's the notes from my seminar at Skeek:

Church Planting

[I shared several things in this seminar about my personal experience in being a part of the church plant to Denton that will not translate into these notes. If you are interested in my personal experience and the ways in which I saw God move and work, I'd love to share with you, please ask me!)

1st Point:
Church planting is just like a multiplication of a small group, but more difficult. The emotions, fears, relational difficulties, faith and excitement that you feel when multiplying a homegroup or small group are all felt when you are part of church plant. You have to get used to new leadership, acquainted with new teamates, follow a new vision, and do new things with both multiplications and church planting. The difference with church planting is that there is the added stress of moving to a new city away from your support system and friends and family. You have to find a new job, a new place to live, adjust to new roomates, figure out where to buy groceries, where to get your car fixed and everything else, along with trying to form a new small group and reach out to the lost. I will say that I don't feel very qualified to speak about church planting, as my experience has only been playing a minor role in one plant. I have been through several homegroup multiplications though, and from the shared expereinces of those and the church plant, I have some thoughts on what it takes to successfully multiply, both your small group and church.

1 Corinthians 9:24
- our goal for everything we do in our small groups and churches is not just to run... we aim to win.

Part A: 3 things that can kill your multiplication:

1. Poor team relationships
- Because a multiplication or plant can be exciting and faith filling, there can easily be too much push toward outreach and organization at the expense of team unity. Comunication between team members becomes only focused on what's going on with the homegroup or church, and not what is going on with the individual.
- This leads to an attitude among team members of feeling like, "no one really cares about me".
To avoid this:
A. spend time working and playing together, have fun with each other
B. purposefully communicate on a deep level often. Ask your teamates probing questions often

2. Expectations
- I believe this is the most efficient multiplication killer
- People always will have expectations, they are unavoidable. People expect a certain kind of music, certain kind of bible study method, certain attitude in the leaders... without realizing it, there are always built in expectations for what the new homegroup or church will look like.
- expectations lead to an attitude of dissapointment, even when a person can't pinpoint what they are dissapointed about. You might hear someone say, "It just doesn't feel right", or "it's not the same".
To avoid this killer:
A. Learn to recognize and confront your own and other's expectations, help people discover the basic expectations they have and learn to deal with them.
B. Spend a lot of time preparing your team before multiplying. Go over the details of what you will be doing and create a vision that is new. (Jatin did this very well with the Denton team)

3. Overemphasis on one area of gifting
- it's easy for the "cause" people to rise to the top and dominate the group's focus and attention. Those who are quieter, more background servants feel out of place or un-needed
To avoid this:
A. take extra care in forming a team with a variety of gifts and strengths
B. Recognize and affirm people often for their service and faith

Part B: 3 Qualities that allow success in spite of the plant killers above

1. Demonstrated Faith
- the key is demonstrating your faith, making it seen.
- without seeing faith come out in your team meetings and activites, people get tired and worn out. They must see that what you are doing is of God, not of man.
- faith is contagious
How do you show faith?
A. Pray together often. People pick up on your faith through how and what you pray
B. Share the word, claim promises
C. Share testimonies often of what God is doing
(We did this a ton at the start of the plant, and we were able to see God provide in amazing ways that streched our faith and confirmed God's prescence with us. We saw jobs provided, living spaces, annointed meetings with key people, people coming to know Christ, all sorts of stuff. The key was that we shared it with each other every chance we got, and in turned strengthened each other's faith.)

2. Proven Character
- key word is proven
- multiplications are difficult enough when you men and women of tried and true character. Without tested character in your leaders, the multiplication killers can easily bring down the plant.
Key areas of character the leaders must have:
A. Handling trials with joy and perseverance
B. Working diligently and thoroughly in all aspects of life
C. Have relationships with others that are strong and deepening
(All are important, but I would especially emphasize the relationships. If either a leader or team member has a pattern of broken relationships it's a red flag for the team. Team relationships are vital for a multiplication to succeed, and the members must have developed the character to overcome relational difficulties and build into each other in spite of conflict.)

3. Skill
- team members must have some basic ministry skills down, you can't "learn as you go" on a church plant
Necessary Skills:
A. Sharing the gospel. In order to reach out effectively at the beginning, you have to spend your time out sharing with people. Your team needs to know how to present the gospel of Christ and be well practiced.
B. Following up with new believers and visitors
C. Discipling growing believers. Your team doesn't have to be discipleship gurus, but does need to have the skill to be able to effectively help another person grow in their relationship with the Lord. (Jatin likes to quote John Maxwell about a leader who has no one following, "he's just taking a walk"). We must be able to point someone to Christ and see that person grow.

Acts 5:38-39: Remember and be reminded that what we are doing in reaching the world is of God... nothing can stand against it.

This is a long post... if you have specific questions let me know.


I made tentative plans to attend SXSW this year with my friend Jason. There's 3 Denton bands listed in the lineup, Best Fwends, Donal Hinely, and Centro-matic (the only one I'm familiar with). I feel obligated of course to support my hometown musicians, so I'm going to try and familiarize myself with them over the next month... There are plenty of sweet bands on the schedule right now, so I'm pretty pumped about going. If anyone else is interested let me know

Monday, January 23, 2006

Trials and Joy

Well, my playoff pics were split again this week... glad I'm not a betting man. The super bowl matchup should be a good one. I'm leaning toward predicting a Pittsburg blowout, but I'll wait until Friday.

Over the past few months watching my friends go through trials and struggles I remember thinking, "Well God, I'm sure I'll be hitting some trials of my own soon." Sure enough, it seems like the start of this semester has brought with it a lot of stuff that's really burdened my heart and challenged my faith. I'm thankful though that I feel like I was prepared, and things aren't hitting me blind. I realize that God is at work, and with that I can be thankful and even joyful, even though when looking at the situations I don't want to be.

I spoke with Jerrod today and was very encouraged. It seems like what I was praying for him God is doing... He told me his job has been extremely trying, both physically and emotionally. He just recently was on a domestic disturbance call that turned into a murder suicide, and was telling me how difficult that was for him to witness, but how God has been using these situations to really draw Jerrod closer in his walk and strengthen his faith. It's awesome, because those were things I was praying specifically for him, and it is so good to see God answer those prayers.

The picture above is of Merit, she had been asleep for an hour or so, and Debi and I walked in to see her still asleep, half on the floor. She's so cute, I love spending time with her.

Saturday, January 21, 2006



Website is in action, check it out!

Friday, January 20, 2006

This weeks predictions

We'll see how my pics go this week after last week's 2-2...

Both sets of teams seem pretty evenly matched, so the games should be pretty good. I'm going to go with both home teams:
Denver over the Steelers 21-17
Seattle beats Carolina 27-21

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

What matters

Dawn put up a great post on her xanga blog that got me started thinking. I wanted to post a comment, but xanga doesn't allow you to comment without setting up an acount... what's up with that?

anyway, here's the best paragraph from her:

>I want to hear from God so badly. I am so afraid that I am going to go the wrong direction, that I am going to miss my direction and my purpose. I want to change this world while I live on it. I am beginning to think "the hell with clout," maybe all that matters is spending my life to help a few. I hate this selfish existance.

So, the question worth exploring is, what is worth it? I was reminded reading her post of John Piper's book "Don't Waste You Life". (I have it, if anyone wan's to borrow it) The main point; any person can throw themselves into something and do well at it. Most everything that you can live for as a christian, a non-christian can do just as well, if not better. Even good things like philanthropy: just becuase I know Christ does not mean I will make more difference in feeding hungry people or caring for the sick. There's really only one thing that we can do as christians that a non-christian cannot do... bring people to Christ. We have been given a great gift, to be able to be involoved with what God is doing on the earth in drawing people to Himself. To us has been committed this responsibility, and it's the only thing that really matters. The only way to guarantee you won't waste your life, is to sell out for the cause of winning people to Christ. It's our privledge, our mission, our life goal. I feel confident in saying that I feel right in the middle of God's will, as I've committed my life 100% to sharing with those around me about Christ. It's my ultimate goal, and it really doesn't matter where I live, what profession I have, how much money I make or anything else. All of those things are secondary to my purpose and mission in life, and for that reason I am confident that my life will make a difference.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Start of spring semester

Good turnout at BBB this morning, and it seems like people are excited. It will be an interesting semester, lot's of change, lot's of issues to work through in people's lives. We'll be trying some different stuff in the SYBS homegroup, which I hope spurs us forward. It seems like for the last two semesters we've been stuck in a bubble...

On another note, one of Merit's molars finally broke through the gum this morning, hooray!

Monday, January 16, 2006

Monday sweet Monday

Well, so my pics didn't all work out.... At least we'll have some good division championship games

Good day today because some good work is finally coming in. We started a decent sized job that we'll work at most of the week. We have a couple more coming in too, which is good. Speaking of work related stuff... blueoxpainting.com is almost live. Special thanks to Chris Minks for designing an awesome web site in no time flat. By the end of this week we should be live, so everybody check it out.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

1 and 1 so far

We'll see how tonights games go.... I really expeced more from New England though, they just didn't seem to play to the level they have in previous playoff games....

On another note, interesting news piece on Stephen Baldwin and his fight against a porn shop going up in his neighborhood:


Gina and Pat were over a few weeks ago and we were discussing Gina's volunteer work for friends of the family. She is volunteering as an advocate for victims of sexual assult in Denton county. Anyway, from the orientation she learned that Sanger has a much larger number of sexual assults as compared to population than other towns in Denton county. When asked why, the trainer explained that they don't "know" exactly, but their theory is that it's largely due to the adult video store there in Sanger.

Jatin and I were discussing two days ago www.xxxchurch.com it's a great site combating porn and exposing its effects on people's lives. Also has great resources for those struggling with this area. I encourage checking it out

Friday, January 13, 2006

Playoff weekend

My pics:

Seattle blows out Washington 35-7
Pats sneak by Denver in a good game 27-24
Colts over the Steelers 28-14
Carolina upsets Chicago 14-10


No real meaning to the title of this post... just a few random things

Merit started getting sick last night and had her temp jump up high really quickly. Not sure if it's the flu that's going around, but she seemed to go from ok to horrible extremely quickly. She mostly just sat on Debi's lap and fell in and out of sleep from around 7:00 on. This morning she seems a lot better though. Her temperature is still over 100, but she's acting much more normal. I was feeling a little bad myself last night, but took some echinacea and tylenol and started feeling better. David told me this morning though that he thought he had made it past it, and then it hit him again like a load of bricks. Let's hope that doesn't happen...

Work's slow right now, which is frustrating for me. When I'm not doing things that make money it's very stressful for me and I start freaking out about stuff. I've been giving some bids and it seems like some good stuff is happening but when multiple days go by without seeing income it gets trying to my spirit.

I've been reading in Hebrews and caught this verse... (12:3) "For consider Him who has endured such hostility by sinners against Himself, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart." Main thought: to avoid growing weary and losing heart, we must, must, must focus on Christ.

One last verse that I was struck by in Hebrews because it so accurately fits with situations I'm involved in right now, (12:15) "See to it that no one comes short of the grace of God; that no root of bitterness springing up causes trouble, and by it many be defiled." Main thought: bitterness will cause people to miss out on the grace of God. Second thought: It's my responsibility to see to it that this doesn't happen.... heavy...

Last thing, heard this morning that a friend and his fiancee are moving up their wedding date due to pregnancy. It's difficult because both of them are already on the fringes of involvement in The Body, and with this now I would expect them to pull away from fellowship even more... which is exactly the opposite of what the Lord would desire, and what I desire for them... more tough stuff... (for those reading this, they are not involved with Hope, in case this freaked you out)


Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Couple of skeek pics

Back to normal?

We put up our Christmas stuff yesterday and moved the living room back around to it's normal layout. We are still getting a couple of chairs recovered, but that should happen soon. I sat in my big chair to have my quiet time this morning, which was nice, I've missed it...

I felt challenged by the Lord this morning on the idea of servanthood... that God's leader is a servant to all. I've been relatively frustrated the last few days after getting back from Skeek with certain things I see going on that are making it difficult to go into the spring semester with excitement. It hurts to see people picked off by the enemy. It hurts to see friends give up. I long for more soldiers who have counted the cost, forsaken their own desires, and are standing with me in combat. Even writing that, I know the thought people might say to me... "Well Josiah, you don't really understand what's going on in my life... you've never experienced ______". That's true... The challenge for me personally is how to serve others that leads them to also serve? I really have no idea. I have no real clue how to identify with and comfort people who are going through hard times. I have no idea how to challenge people to keep pursuing without sounding harsh and insensitive. That's why, in speaking with the Lord this morning I was reminded that the Lord's servant is a servant to ALL, regardless of their actions or anything else. Whether or not people rise up and serve with me I cannot control. the Lord has called me to serve them at all time, in all circumstances, in all emotions. This next semester may start slow, may be challenging, may be frustrating, may be awful. It may also see the Lord do great and powerful things (I believe it will). Regardless, my call is to serve.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Music blogs

For anyone looking to get free (and legal) mp3 samples from indie rock bands and other cool bands... these are sites I like:

3hive: www.3hive.com (cover a wide variety of music, leaning mostly to indie rock/pop)
Aquariumdrunk: aquariumdrunk.blogspot.com (lot's of cool music)
Said the Gramaphone: www.saidthegramaphone.com (British blogger, good to keep up with music from accross the pond)


Keep pressing. Keep pressing. Keep pressing.

Heb 6:11-12
And we desire that each one of you show the same diligence so as to realize the full assurance of hope until the end, so that you will not be sluggish, but immitators of those who through faith and patience inherited the promises.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Is God dead in Europe?

interesting article on the decline of religious belief in Europe and it's effect on European society...

Faith and the Holy Spirit

David and I had a discussion at Skeek about his teaching on the leading of the Spirit, and how to tell if the Spirit is leading one direction or another in decisions we make. The main point being that you could easily fall into the idea that you make a decision, and then if it's not "blessed" (ie. doesn't work out the way you thought it would, or even makes things worse), that it wasn't led by the Lord or guided by the Spirit, and you made the wrong decision.

The key though with decisions is faith. Faith says that even when things aren't going well when you've made a decision, or with your life in general, that God is still involved and leading. One of the verses in Heb 11 talking about faith says, "Others were tortured and refused to be released, so that they might gain a better resurrection."... going on to talk about all the other horrible things endured by men and women of faith. The point is that decisions have to be made in faith regardless of what occurs after that decisions is made....

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Skeek post

Tomorrow is the last day of the ski conference. It's been really good, and I've enjoyed our fellowship a ton. Jatin's teachings we're excellent, and it was a real bummer that they had to leave early. Rick is up tomorrow, and it should be great. I'm a little nervous about my seminar though, so I'm praying for grace to enjoy the times in the morning. That's it